Get our free live cams 2021 report!

Data for your social media

With you get real insights into your fans and income to drive your influencer career with data and strategy!

all the data
  • 360 Degree Insights
    Get full coverage on your social media income and fan statistics with customisable reports and real-time forecasts.
  • Visibility on your income
    Full breakdown and analytics on where you earn money, what content performs best and which fans are dedicated to you.
  • Metrics only we have
    Profilytics gives you detailed metrics and creates visibility into your content well beyond what other platforms provide.

Graph Suite

Meta Dashboard

Connect all your social profiles to one dashboard!

Growth hacking

Track & hack your social media growth with data!


Free for all creators

We want to help every creator achieve their best! That is why we are offering our platform at no charge to support the community.

The Details

Do you need my account passwords?

No. We will never ask for any of your account logins. uses a Google Chrome browser extension, which is checked by Google, that has only access to the transaction records of the social media profiles which you sign in with in your browser.

Do I need to install software?

Sometimes. Unfortunately some platforms does not provide an interface for services like ours to connect to. For that reason we have developed a browser extension that you need to add to your Google Chrome browser. This extension allows us to sync your records for further analysis.

Will you post on my profiles or send messages to subscribers?

Never, we do not have access or interact with any part of your social media accounts, except for the earnings records. Your subscribers, or anyone really, will never know that you use

Is my data safe with

We understand your social media income may be sensitive and is for your eyes only. The data we sync from your profile is transmitted and stored using digital encryption and will only be accessible to yourself in the dashboard.

Why is this free?

We are a team of dedicated creators ourselves and started working on Profilytics to better understand our fans and income. To support other creators we decided to share these insights.

Can I cancel?

Absolutely, you can always cancel your account with us. There is no contract period or lock-in period and all data of cancelled accounts will be removed from our system.