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Product update: Simple Moving Average

With this new metric in the Profilytics reports screen you can easily discover and highlight fan trends and how you profile growth is performing.

Introducing the Simple Moving Average
Introducing the Simple Moving Average

What is the simple moving average?

Known in many fields and originated from the finance industry, the Simple Moving Average or short SMA tracks the average value over a given period and compares it against a current value. With that it allows to draw a trend line and gives context on if the current value is above or below the trend.

How does Profilytics use the SMA?

We have implemented the SMA for fans count and display it on the reports screen in the new fans chart. The SMA currently tracks the 5 day average of new fans and allows you to see if the amount of new fans on any given day was more or less than the average of 5 preceding 5 days.

How can I use this?

A simple application of this new metric is to compare your new fans with the SMA value, ideally you will want to have your new fans always on or above the SMA line, as this indicates you are ahead of a steadily growing trend.

Essentially the SMA smoothes out daily differences in the new fans count and with that allows you to establish a base line. How your daily result compares against that base line tells you wether your fans are actually going up or down.